At the point when Miéville initially met Jean-Luc Godard in Paris in 1970, Miéville was filling in as a photogrpaher. Miéville and Godard later turned out to be dear companions.

She worked with Godard as a scriptwriter, movie manager, co-chief, and imaginative chief from 1973 until 1994. Miéville’s most memorable short film, How could I at any point love, was finished in 1983; The Book Mary (Le libre de Marie), her second, was finished the next year. Godard’s Hail Mary is accessible on DVD and incorporates a scene from The Book of Marv(1985).

At the point when Léo Scheer distributed Miéville’s assortment of brief tales in 2002 called Images en parole, he depicted it as “a continuation of static shots, short movies of the composition. it isn’t totally talking about books, yet rather of unspeakable minutes got away from kinds of pictures, where it would be an issue of recording with words.”

JLG reads Hannah Arendt from We’re Still Here; Anne-Marie Miéville’s 1997

— Aaron Stewart-Ahn (@somebadideas) September 14, 2022